Pet Food

We have the natural plus factor for pet food

CELLOBIOSE – the natural plus

Our multi-functional carbohydrate Cellobiose is a disaccharide, which also occurs in nature, Cellobiose is the basic component of vegetable cellulose. Cellobiose shows a proven excellent tolerance in dogs and cats. Thanks to its prebiotic effect, Cellobiose supports a healthy intestinal flora and stabilizes the intestinal barrier. Well-being and agility are thus enhanced. Our Cellobiose is also suitable as a lactose substitute and can for instance be used as carrier for dietary supplements.

Benefits of our cellobiose for pets

© ElsPetFeed Ingredients GmbH

A healthy gut – crucial to the well-being and vitality of pets.

Sluggish bowels, pathogens and toxic metabolic products expose organisms to unnecessary stress. Our prebiotic Cellobiose promotes intestinal activity and integrity as well as metabolic processes – in the interests of a healthy gut and enhanced pet welfare.

  • Cellobiose promotes the growth of ‘good’ intestinal bacteria, such as lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria.
  • These give rise to metabolic products, such as short-chain fatty acids, which are essential for maintaining a robust intestinal barrier function. Toxins are therefore unable to enter the bloodstream by penetrating the intestinal wall.
  • The reduction in pH brought about by the fatty acids also inhibits colonisation of the gut by pathogenic bacteria.
  • Metabolisation of Cellobiose suppresses undesirable products, such as ammonia.
  • The formation of specific fatty acids (e.g. butyrate) can alleviate existing inflammatory intestinal diseases.

© ElsPetFeed Ingredients GmbH

© ElsPetFeed Ingredients GmbH


“Results might point towards a positive impact of cellobiose supplementation on gut health especially under osmotic stress conditions.”
(Heinritz et al. 2017)

“…and cellobiose also resulted in a higher prebiotic index than fructooligosaccharides.”
(Sanz et al. 2005)

“However, in vivo, high butyrate production observed with cellobiose might decrease pathogenicity through downregulation of the expression of genes located on the Salmonella pathogenicity island 1.”
(Tran et al. 2016)

“In conclusion, a preventive effect of cellobiose against dextran sulfate sodium colitis suggests its clinical use for inflammatory bowel diseases patients.”
(Nishimura et al. 2010)

* Positive List of the Standards Commission for Straight Feeding Stuffs within the Central Committee of German Agriculture

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Brief explanation…

What are prebiotics?

Prebiotics are non-digestible carbohydrates that are not hydrolysed by endogenous enzymes. As such, they form a fermentable substrate for intestinal microbiota in the lower gastrointestinal tract. Prebiotics foster the growth and activity of desirable, beneficial micro-organisms in the digestive tract, such as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. They purposefully trigger metabolic processes and thus exert a positive influence on the intestinal environment.

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